Wow!!! God is saving His people in Transkei… Through evangelism today, these people accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Let us celebrate together because Heaven would be celebrating… Names: Nokhanyiso, Nosine Mqikela, Mthandeni, Lonwabo, Sinethemba… for the kingdom.
These are the people saved today; 15 people accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour.; Luno, Sandiso ntoazini, Nowist, Nezisa Kholiso, Bsino Ntocini, Tata Bakolo, Bonekele Kufa, Sitenbisso, Notawje, Nospiwar, Potuni Bolilitye, Nopheleo Boliltye, Nosamkele, Nokhuzile Mtulo, Luyo Ntulo.
Let the Holy Spirit confirm their heart. for the kingdom
Please pray with me for the people in Transkei who are trapped by ancestor spirit which is not true but evil spirit. So many witchdoctors are making people in slavery. Mostly every family slaughters animal to worship ancestor’s spirit. Funeral is bigger and bigger because they believe that dead people become ancestor’s spirit. Pray by the name of Jesus that their bondage is broken by the power of Jesus. for the kingdom