Dear Kingdom brothers and sisters
I would like to share a testimony of Motobi who is a coordinator of African Leadership High School Ministry.
I hope you can pray for him and encourage him as a Kingdom family.
Coordinator’s Testimony
Name: Motobi Radebe
Ministry Field: High School Ministry and Sakhulutsha
For the past five months I have enjoyed working in the school because of a good relationship I have with the LO class teacher. Channels of communication are very good and whenever they need to tell me not to come or when to come she communicates it with me over the phone. And sometimes I don’t only attend the classes I am teaching but also the ones she is teaching and from that I learn student behavior towards their teacher.
In the class room I see a good response from students when I teach them but when I am sitting in for other classes that I am not teaching I realize that they do not act and behave the same way like they do towards me. Therefore, it is easy for me to take their teacher’s experience and include it in my teaching to challenge them to respect their teacher.
Sometimes the teacher asks me to teach about the topics she gives me and that helps me to expand to some areas of the student’s lives. I really enjoyed teaching and sharing Christian principles with the students for the past month. The only challenge I am facing is the school programs that change unexpectedly, but without that there is something good taking place.
Sakhulutsha has been very exciting as I saw the young people growing in their desire to follow the lord, and their interest in the Bible as they were participating in Bible studies and discussions every Saturday. The challenge though, is that some of them do love to be part of Sakhulutsha but because of family problems, and other things they do not manage easily.
Please pray for our youth that God may provide their needs so that they can be free to worship and praise him. Pray for the coordinators that God may help us to grow in His work and be able to serve Him freely.