Dear Sir / Madam
Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am grateful to the Lord for considering me as someone who can be assisted by you.
It is a great honour and privilege for me. I really appreciate your sincere contribution
or support towards my life. Ever since I’ve discovered the calling of God upon my life, I
was eager to see if it could be manifested.
The Lord has granted me the opportunity to work in high schools teaching character
development. I am also involved in a Youth club in Khayelitsha, in mission trip and
outreach camps and in Bible study. I am very passionate about Evangelism. At this
present moment I’m Evangelising in Makhaza. God’s people came to know the Lord and
others get delivered. Thank you very much for supporting the work of God that I may
travel and proclaim good news and also thank you for your persistent prayers.
I can be able to overcome my challenges because of your faithfulness to God, your
frequent contribution and your support towards my life. You really made a difference in
my life. You are appreciated.
May God richly bless you and your entire family and bless the work of your hands. May
the Lord keep you and His countenance shine upon you and be gracious to you in all
the days of your life.
Yours in Christ
학원사역을 함께하는 동역자 카니에게서 온 편지입니다.
하나님 나라의 동역자님과 함께 나눕니다.
카니의 기도편지중 이런 내용이 마음에 와닿습니다.
“I can be able to overcome my challenges because of your faithfulness to God,”
“저는 하나님을 향한 동역자님의 신실함으로 인해 선교를 하며 격는 모든 어려움들을 이겨낼 수 있습니다,”
신실하게 하나님만 바라보며 함께 동역하여 주시는 동역자님이
바로 저희가 선교지에서 어려움을 이겨내는 힘입니다.
하나님 나라 위하여
폴 & 카니
Paul Kim
African Leadership Missionary
Cell (+27) (0)79 485 3114